We work interactively with our users to continually update, order upgrade, and refine our material so you will have the best chance of becoming awesome at R for data analysis no matter where you are in the process of learning. Our aim is to democratize access to R for data analysis – perhaps the most amazing data analysis environment ever devised.
R is in a process of ongoing development, being extended and improved on a regular basis.
R is more powerful than Excel, and is especially suited for analyzing and visually displaying data of all kinds. It is open source which means it is freely available to you and, if you  so wish, something to which you can contribute as your skill level increases.
You can wow your colleagues and impress your managers with just a little effort in learning the basics of R. Beyond that you can easily develop powerful and useful skills in data analysis and data presentation.
Today, as the world is becoming flooded with data, and demands to understand data are increasing daily, skill in using R for data analysis can be a major factor in your career development and job satisfaction. Help us to help you by trying our material and providing us with feedback so we can improve and enhance our efforts and outcomes.
Awesome R. Descriptive Statistics
Read about Chapter 1 of our book on descriptive statistics using R, and fill in the form to download the free PDF.